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A very rare occurrence these days, remaining with one company for your entire working life; but this is exactly what Robert “Bob” Copp has done, having just celebrated a major milestone with Bath-based defence engineering firm Horstman this week, completing 50 years service.
He said that the interest of the job, the daily changes, the new projects, and everything that comes in is new so every day you’re not doing the same thing day in, day out. But you do get involved with different people, suppliers, and customers so every day is different and I think that it is this what attracted me to the job. The company gives you plenty of training and courses and they keep you up to date with what’s going on.
“Yes without a doubt Horstman is a good company to work for; I wouldn’t be here for 50 years if I didn’t think that.”
He said he has seen six apprentices start in the last couple of years, who are being trained from scratch through Horstman.
And with young people’s job skills “getting less and less” he said it is more beneficial for youngsters to be trained on the job and he has seen other apprentices stay with the company 25 to 30 years later.
Horstman started life in 1913 and to date is the only manufacturer of cars to have been based in Bath.
Today, the Horstman site occupies more than 4,000 square metres and employs more than 100 members of staff.

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