Horstman Rotary Damper
Horstman’s robust, combat proven rotary dampers have been deployed worldwide, and provide inherently superior damping performance over conventional linear shocks.

Developed by Horstman in the 1970s for the UK MOD Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) requirement, rotary damper suspension provided an upgrade in performance and reduced external space claim over linear shock absorber solutions.
Horstman's rotary dampers provide a compact and efficient damping solution with improved heat dissipation when compared to linear dampers.
Horstman’s robust, combat proven rotary dampers have been in service on the Warrior IFV for more than 40 years. Our rotary dampers have a maintenance free construction resulting in a very low operation and maintenance cost.
Proven in the Warrior IFV, CVR(T), Paladin howitzer, Primus howitzer, AAV7 Survivability Upgrade, CVR(T), CV-90 and Ulan IFV, Horstman has continuously upgraded its rotary dampers with enhanced seals, friction coatings and finishes to improve system life, computer-optimized the damper geometries and reduced the rotary damper weight.
Direct mounting to vehicle hull/chassis
- The primary function of a damper is to absorb the energy of vehicle motion and turn it in to heat energy which can be dissipated over time
- By mounting to the chassis/hull a rotary damper has superior heat transfer capability compared to a lower capability linear shock
Robust & Combat Proven
- More than 40 years of fielded service from the Arctic to the Tropics, and everywhere in between
- Proven combat service in Afghanistan, the Balkans & Iraq
Low Maintenance & Operating Cost
- Maintenance free construction resulting in a very low operation and maintenance cost
Continuous Improvement
- Horstman’s rotary dampers have been continuously updated with enhanced seals, friction coatings and finishes to improve system life
- Geometries have been computer-optimized and the damper weight reduced
- HUMS sensors
- Link Arm kit
- Lever Arm kit

- 2024 Rotary Damper (378 kB)
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