Mobility Solutions
Horstman Power Regeneration
The power regeneration system of the active suspension reduces the vehicle electrical power requirements.

Developed by Horstman, the power regeneration system of the active suspension reduces the vehicle electrical power requirements. Key elements are:
- An electromechanical actuator at each wheel, driven bi-directionally by a servomotor (PMSM), which can be used in both motor or generator mode.
- A drive and power amplifier module that controls the commutation of the servomotor to produce the desired suspension force.
- A storage element to temporarily store the actuator energy recovered when the motors are back driven, and to return the energy when the actuators need it. This device acts as a power filter to prevent overloading the power supply and to smooth out peak power demands.
Excess electrical energy is directed toward the vehicle battery system in full regenerative mode.
Mild terrain regenerative mode
- Active suspension consume only few hundreds watts , no regeneration is produced
Good ride quality and mobility
Medium terrain regenerative mode
- Some regeneration energy is stored and used during fast transient where high peak power is needed
- Good Ride quality, good mobility and reduced vehicle body pitch and roll
- Higher speed achieved compared to passive vehicle
Rough terrain regenerative mode
- Active suspension is acting as a generator, high peaks or power are produced in excess of system power demand
- Energy stored in vehicle battery or in energy storage bank
- Rolling resistance reduced, good ride quality and mobility
- Energy absorbed by driver and crew significantly reduces
Electric vehicle compatible
- Implementation vehicle with high voltage bus (300 VDC or 600 VDC) is simplified
- System connects directly to High Voltage bus s connection to the high voltage bus with minimal interface
- High voltage bus allows for faster system response and increase of efficiency
6x6 8x8
- Maintainer Diagnostics

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