
Responsible for the contents according to section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Horstman UK
Horstman Defence Systems Limited
Locksbrook Road,
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1225 423111

Registration court: ...
Registration number: ...
VAT ID number: ...

The managing director represent Horstman Defence Systems: Ian Pain

Horstman USA MilAIR
Horstman Inc
44215 Phoenix Drive,
Sterling Heights,
MI 48314-1466
United States of America

Phone: +1 586 737-2100

Registration court: ... 
Registration number: ...
VAT ID number: ...

The managing directors represent Horstman USA MilAIR: ...

Horstman Canada Inc.
110 East Drive
Brampton, Ontario
L6T 1C1

Phone: +1 647 497-6602

Registration court: ...
Registration number: ...
VAT ID number: ...

The managing directors represent Horstman Canada Inc.: ...

Responsible for the contents
The contents of our pages have been prepared with utmost care. According to section 7(1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) we, as a service provider, are responsible under the generally applicable laws for our own contents on these pages. However, according to sections 8 to 10 TMG, as a service provider, we are not generally obliged to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to search for circumstances that might indicate illegal activities. This does not affect any obligations to remove or block the use of information under generally applicable laws. However, a related liability will only be possible after we have gained knowledge of a specific violation of law. As soon as we learn of any such violation, we will remove the related contents without delay.

Liability for links
Our website includes links to external web pages of third parties the contents of which is beyond our control. The contents of linked pages is at all times the responsibility of the respective supplier or website operator. At the time of linking, the linked pages were reviewed for potential violations of law. No illegal contents were identified at the time of linking. As long as there is no specific reason to suspect a violation of law, a continuous control of the contents of linked pages is unreasonable. As soon as we learn of any violations of law, we will remove the related links without delay.

The contents and works on these pages created by us or on our behalf are subject to German copyright. Any reproduction, processing/editing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of the copyright law shall require the written consent by the respective author or creator. Any downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private and non-commercial purposes. Where the operator did not create contents displayed on these pages, the copyright of third parties has been observed. This also includes that third party contents are identified as such. Should you nevertheless detect a copyright infringement, we would ask you to notify us accordingly. When any infringement becomes known to us, we will remove the related contents without delay.

The RENK GmbH is a member of the VDMA (German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association).

RENK Group

RENK Group
Phone number
+49 821 5700 0


Phone number
+44 1225 423111