Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Act 2015 statement : UK operations

The directors are committed to ensuring that the Company has taken steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains or business. In 2023 the Company met the level of turnover that requires publication of an annual slavery and human trafficking statement.

All activities of the business are covered by the RENK Group Code of Conduct, and our related Supplier Code of Conduct that is flowed down to our supply chain. This code is deployed with universal employee training and is backed by strong and independent ethics, compliance, audit and whistleblowing functions. Training on modern slavery and trafficking is available to our specialists where required to supplement their relevant professional education.

Our procurement functions are organised in a global structure with training and procedures in place to select and monitor suppliers that meet the required ethical standards. Our standard procurement and quality terms and conditions require suppliers to perform all necessary due diligence to ensure that they, and their suppliers, comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act regulations and to ensure that their supply chains are free of Human Trafficking. The supplier must also operate in an ethical manner and ensure that their supply chain also act in an ethical adhere to the Modern Slavery Act

All suppliers are subject to due diligence processes, risk assessment and management oversight. Our supply chain is dominated by high integrity engineered product and material drawn from NATO and EU countries with strong regulatory environments. Key performance indicators are used to monitor suppliers for financial and quality measures and to evaluate their relevant environmental, social and governance measures.

This statement has been approved by Ian Pain, CEO Horstman Group for the Financial Year ending 2023.

This statement will be reviewed and updated every year.


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